Vehicle Testing PM (車輛管理)

10-13K/月 安徽-合肥 1-3年 本科 全職1人 英語(熟練)

Vehicle Testing PM (車輛管理)

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職責描述: 1. Responsible for collecting the configuration requirements & special production requirements according to users’ demand at the begining of production; 2. Responsible for following-up vehicle production progress and production deviation evaluation during producing; 3. Responsible for test vehicles delivery and domestic & international transportation document preparation; 4. Responsible for collecting camouflage demands and following-up camouflage plan; 5. Responsible for test vehicle resource coordination & adjusting vehicle test plan according to project status or project team requirement, checking test vehicle using status; 6. Responsible for following-up vehicle scrap progress and coordination of related work; 7. Responsible for VTT meeting support. 任職要求: 1. Have a bachelor degree or above; 2. Hold a valid Chinese driver's license C1 and above, and at least 5 years of actual driving experience, no major accidents; 3. Possess strong communication skills in both English and Chines; 4. PT driving license level C of VW Proving Ground is preferred; 5. Possess good writing and documentation skill;
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工作地點: 安徽-合肥 大眾汽車(安徽)有限公司
溫馨提示: 用人單位招聘人才,以任何名義收取費用(如體檢費、服裝費等)都屬于違法,請應聘者提高警惕!
英語 安徽-合肥 本科 1-3年
在線溝通 HR
英語 安徽-合肥 本科 1-3年
在線溝通 HR
英語 安徽-合肥 本科 1-3年
在線溝通 HR
英語 安徽-合肥 本科 1-3年
在線溝通 HR
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